I am …… No I am not talking about your name
I am a …. Citizen. No I am not talking about your country.
I am ….. heritage. No I am not asking about your heritage.
I am….rich. NO, I am not asking about your wealth.
I am ….. son. NO, I am not asking about your sex.
I don’t know.
What will happen to you, if I take away your name, country, heritage, money, parents, gender.
Then how would you define yourself?
There is still one answer.
I am no animal, I am a human being.
But how can I say I am a human being.
Because I was raised by a human.
So, if you were raised by an animal, you would have been an animal?
So lets say, I take away your experience of your life, then what are you? Who are you then?
I know, I am not nobody.
Even if you take away the experience away from me,
even if you take everything I define myself away from me,
I am still me.
I have that consciousness.
I still have something inside me.
I am still thinking.
I am still wanting things.
Like seriously, who am i?
Even without these things,
I can love.
I can feel.
Without those experience and my identity, I cant hate. Because I have no reason to do it.
I cant kill, because I have no reason.
I cant cheat because I have no reason to.
Maybe I am capable of hating, killing, cheating but I don’t do it.
All I want to do is, give and help and love and hope for you.
But if I cant love or feel or help, then I am dead.
So, now lets put all of these together.
I am a lets say, consciousness.
I am kind, loving, helping.
But I am competitive as well.
Why? Why am I competitive?
Because I became who I became through the sperm race I participated in and won.
Then lets put name in consciousness. Then I am a name + consciousness.
Lets put parents to it. Then I am name + consciousness + parents.
Lets put heritage to it. Then I am name + consciousness + heritage(ancestors) + parents
Then lets put in more, community then I am name + consciousness + heritage(ancestors) + parents+ community.
Then lets put in country here. I am name + consciousness + heritage(ancestors) + parents
+ community+ citizen of a country.
Now lets add all the experience we have along the way we grow up, while having these conditions.
Then we are bound to be different.
So when we put all of these together, we get
A competitive person who is kind, loving, generous.
But he was competitive before he made himself.
He was selfish before he made himself.
He only thought of himself before he made himself.
It’s the lesson he learned. Competition made him.
But once he was made, he was kind, loving, giving.
Now the parents, community, society, country gives him knowledge, experience, way of thinking, way of doing things.
So we become who we are, now.
So, then what about death?
What about god?
What about, after death?
That is the topic for another time.
But I believe for now, we will talk about me, and only me.
When we go through all these things,
there is only one thing that watches us, learns from the activities we do and make decisions for us.
No its not parents, community, teachers, country or any external media.
It’s the same being inside us, who we know is there.
Giving signal to many things.
So, I am a conscious human being with external identity, who is trying to live in external world.
But, what I am searching for is my happiness, and that is not something that I can get from external world.
So, who am i.
I am who ever I want to be.
I am whoever I imagine me to be.
I am whoever I dream to be.
I am everything and nothing.
I am a small drop of water in ocean.
I am just a conscious being who is conscious for this time frame, and after that, neither do I know, nor anyone has answers.
So who am i?
I am a warrior
I am a lover
I am a father
I am a son
I am a friend
I am a student
I am a devotee
I am also the person in the wrong place at wrong time
I am the person who went to get the milk and never came back
I am the person who said I will never leave you and still left you
I am the person who said I will do anything and didn’t do
I am the person who did what you didn’t wanted me to do
I can be anything
I can do anything
I can say anything
I can
And I will
All I have to do is,
Convince myself that I have a story, that I want to believe
Imagine it, think as if I have lived the story
And fake it till I make it
So I can use this knowledge to be the best version of myself
I can use this knowledge to be the mediocre version of myself.
I can be anything.
I am everything in this planet earth
As well as I am nothing.