Man or woman I believe are all human beings. But the fact that only women, childrens and dogs are loved unconditionally, men are loved under some conditions.

13 min readNov 2, 2022


But think to yourself as a man, if something were to come to you for free, would you accept it, respect it.

Just think about a girl, would you marry a girl if you got it too easy? If you found someone who you met on street willing to marry you would you? You would ask for her personality and how can she help you in your life. You are a king, selfish being by nature and want things for you that only you want. You can lie, cheat, hurt, be bitch and anything. But for things you want you need things just for you. You would want your own house, your own wife, own child.

Men are territorial beings, just like a lion. Why do a lion needs such a big land for himself. Wouldn’t it be better for him if he had a small land , wife , children. But no, the lion wants all the land that comes in his sight. Men are the same they want everything they see.

I don’t understand women to the degree that I can say so bluntly about men.

Men means selfish but also selfless creature, men mean cruel but full of love, men means cheater but loyal to earth, men means weak but strong as mountain, men means childish but matured, men means silent but loud as rumbling of lightning, men means clear calm like water but also dangerous like tsunami.

All of the characteristics are present in men. Sometimes you can see them dying for honor, remaining silent for love, being childish for other happiness, sacrificing for children.

A man is that person who thought of your safety, planned your safety , built a house for your safety, built a home with you for you, built a community for your safety, became a leader for your safety, became a monster for your safety, built alliance for your safety, conquered land for your safety, built a country for your safety, made your country stronger for your safety, built a school to study for you to be wise and think for yourself, made arrangement of foods for your safety.

The whole world you are living is made by man.

When the fact that you are capable of doing such great work why in the freaking hell would you want to be loved without conditions.

If you were to be loved unconditionally without doing anything, where will the society, country head towards.

We are living in a generation where depression, suicide, mental health are given too much focus. I am not denying the fact that these things exist, but I am also not going to deny that we are living in this world of victimizing ourselves.

Some things we can do to live a meaningful life are:

1. Get rid of Victim mentality

Why do we blame someone? Despite the fact that we human beings are capable of doing great things, we sometimes and more times then less lose to ourselves. Our brain try to give us reason on why we should be loved unconditionally, why we should be given everything, why our existence must be accepted by everyone.

Everyone likes to play a victim because its easy task. I am depressed because, my parents didn’t raised me well. I am not confident because someone said something to me in my childhood.

Beggars can’t be choosers. Maybe people have heard that sometimes in their life. If you want something in life go to it as if your life depends on it.

Suppose you are in a jungle and a bear is approaching to kill you, would you say, maybe I am so ugly even the bear will reject me and stayed there, or said maybe I am so lonely, depressed bear will not want to eat me like how people don’t want to be friends with me. Hell no, you would run as fast as you can to wherever you can.

So stop thinking too much, just make a plan of what you would like to do in your life in a detailed manner in which you can imagine yourself doing, then live your plan. If you can imagine doing it then you sure can do it.

2. Get rid of Entitlement mentality

I believe having the sense of entitlement is one of the biggest problem of this generation.

I deserve respect, money, attention, love, fame everything. And you are entitled to give it to me. Parents gave me birth so they are entitled to give me love and home and money. She is my girlfriend she is entitled to give me what I ask of her, so are friends, strangers, and everyone around me. I am the center of attention of this world. If I am depressed you are supposed to wake me up and take me to gym, if I am horny you are supposed to give me pussy, if I am poor you are supposed to give me money, if I have no job you are supposed to give me money, even if I don’t work you are supposed to. Take care of me. I want everything in my life without having to work for it.

Doting parents, yes saying people, media, news are some of the reasons for bringing such people people but if we want to be happy and truly successful in world we got to give up on sense of entitlement and work for it.

If you want to get successful, be focused , sharpen your skills

If you want to get nice body, workout, eat healthy

If you want to get a girlfriend, get out and talk to people.

3. Don’t be Too afraid of judgement

We as a child depend upon others to survive. The way we act is how we are treated is what we learn since childhood. If we are good child we are given reward, loved, liked but if we are bad child we are given punishment and hated , disliked.

And growing up, we are unconsciously following the same patterns. And that shows in our behavior as well.

If you want to be friends with lot of people, you got to make everyone happy, if you don’t make people happy they wouldn’t want to be friend with you. Like I said before people are selfish creature and if you cant provide value to others you are of no use to them.

But here is the life changing lesson for you, 『Just because people don’t value you doesn’t mean you also shouldn’t value yourself.』

What will they think of me, if I do something? What will she think of me?

People are everywhere, and they are judging people everytime. They are making a note on you, on how you act, what you say, what you wear, but remember what they think of you means very little. Of course it doesn’t mean you should not listen to anything they say, but you also shouldn’t listen to everything they say.



As a human being we go to live in society and we got to act according to society, but you should define your rule for yourself not just accept what society tells you.

4. Take responsibility

Responsibility can be defined as quality to be responsible. Such as moral, accountable.

But responsibility can be defined as ability to respond as well.

Its not about the problem, its how you deal with it. Maybe everyone has heard this line once in a lifetime.

Have you seen a father, who is old has bandages all over his body, has the smell of medicine all over him, but he is still going to work everyday , just for you , so that you can go to school or play with your friends. And despite that they are happy to see you smile.

You tend to think how in the hell would someone work in such condition, or why would they choose to do so. And how in the hell can they look at you and thank you for smiling, why wont they curse you as you are their source of suffering.

Its because, he is a responsible human being. Who has made himself responsible for your happiness, and its his responsibility as a responsible parent. Its his meaning of his life.

Even victor frank despite being a prisoner in second world was , was responsible enough to not let his current situation define his happiness.

So it’s the purpose of every human being to take the biggest responsibility they think they can take and live their life.

The more stronger the person , the more responsible he is and more responsibility he takes in his life.

Take any person you respect, be it your father, mother, brother, sister, teacher , king, or any historical figure, whoever comes to your mind, and think what is it that made you respect them even if you don’t agree with them on many things.


5. Exercise

Go to the gym, get sweaty, burn off the fat, get lean, get bulky. Just exercise. Back in the time people needed to walk thousand of miles in their daily life no exercise was needed as everyday life was sort of exercise. Now with car, motorcycles, cycles, and other goods, daily exercise has decreased so much that maybe you can say that all I walked this week was from car to my room to bathroom.

We need exercise to be healthy , be happy. The hormones generated by human brain during exercise is unlike anything, which you can get by staying home.

It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can. And, to the utmost of my power, I exhort all other men to do the same.


Just go to gym or exercise at least one hour a day.

6. Meditate

Meditation has been practiced for a long time by humans, and has its significance. Some of the benefits like emotional well being, health, handling stress, being focused, staying centered can be found through meditation. Meditation has been given utmost value in religion like Hinduism, Buddhism where they claim meditation can be used as a tool to be liberated from world.

Because of smartphones and internet it is really difficult to be focused or be present anymore, or have a thinking of your own on your own, meditation helps you to clear your unnecessary thoughts and be clear of your thoughts, aim ,dream while increasing the power of imagination, creation, patience.

7. Find god

Why do we need god? Do god really exist?

But do we need these questions. I think we don’t need to answer these questions.

Hinduism religious texts are written on Sanskrit language. They are written in difficult language because finding god is not for everyone. Only few selected people back in days could read Sanskrit and follow god.

Even bible is written in Hebrew, where not many people can find the real meaning behind the words there.

Meaning that these texts which dates back to 5000 years and until then they were transferred just by spoken words, is a miracle.

I am not forcing anyone to follow god, or believe in god, but at least give yourself a chance.

I had heard a quote that said, if the gravitational force of earth was just 0.1 less, or more, the earth wouldn’t be rotating the sun, the life would be impossible. What is the chance that it would happen by yourself.

It was just a coincidence you might say, but have you ever looked at Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and thought they became the worlds richest man by coincidence.

Just search for god, find him in texts, think through things he is telling and if you like follow it if not don’t, but just someone says they don’t believe in god as he doesn’t exist, don’t follow him.

Don’t be a follower be a leader and take charge of your thought.

Lets leave all these things behind and say, I will say why I believe god.

There is a marshmallow experiment in YouTube, where a scientist asks some children to sit in a chair, and in the table he puts a marshmallow. The scientist tells the children , to not eat the marshmallow when he is gone for some time, and if the children was able to not eat the marshmallow until scientist returned, the child would get 2 marshmallow.

Now it’s the children choice to believe in words of the scientist or not believe and do what they like.

The experiment ends in some children taking and some not taking. The efforts made by children to not eat marshmallow is hilarious. Also the result showed that children who didn’t eat marshmallow were more successful in life.

I would have personally loved to see that experiment on group of children’s as well. It would have been hilarious.

Now suppose that scientist is god, we are the children and the marshmallow is heaven. Suppose you sacrifice now heaven or wait for next time to attain more happiness.

If we suppose that the words of scientist to child is the words of gods to humans, would you believe then?

In Hinduism, to visit god, people had to meditate and make god happy and only they could meet god, it took sacrifice, guts, focus, and the only purpose you had in your life.

But with Christianity or Islam which says, accept me and I will save you, people expect god to help in every corner of their life. And when they are not helped by god, they say god don’t exist and stop believing.

Like how ants are to us, infinite, same , in this big universe, galaxies, milky ways, we are no more than ants or little existence to god.

Just follow your purpose in the world, do good, be responsible and die a respected human being.

Neither you know what happens before you were born , nor do you know what happens after you die, just follow god and he will give you power to walk the face of earth with energy, power.

8. Delay gratification

Have you ever started watching a movie, and came a song you didn’t like, so you skipped it. Or have you ever started to watch a movie and wanted how it ended, so you missed all the part and watched just the final part.

Have you been so horny that instead of talking with opposite sex, have a intimate conversation, and being a relationship, you went to porn site and jerked off.

Have you ever been so angry, despite knowing the words coming out of your mouth will hurt the other person still spoke.

Have you ever wanted to be rich so fast you gave up everything and walked on the wrong path.

We are living in generation where instant gratification is needed. because of such tendency, people looking at the end result, are giving up their present possibility for a minute of happiness.

Everyone want to be rich without working hard, everyone wants to be friends with everyone without talking to them, everyone wants to have sex at the time they want without any effort, that is why people suffer.

I say just wait a little bit longer, have self control over yourself and then enjoy the process. Look around man, time is flowing, it is going to flow anyhow. It wont flow fast just because you want it fast or it wont flow slow because you want it slow.

There is a principle for everything. Without principles earth, sun, galaxy, milkyway nothing is possible. Just jumping or breathing is impossible without the presence of principle.

Just stop, don’t take yourself too seriously, take a deep breathe, wait, have patience, and go with the flow.

How many people would give anything to experience something for the first time, may it not be like, you lost that first time because you couldn’t control yourself.

9. Quit porn and look for more realistic relationship

Porn is one of the biggest industry in world. Back in the days people paid money to get porn to spice up their life now people pay money to get away from porn as porn has many side effects.

Porn itself in moderate is not bad. You can learn a lot of things to spice your relationship. Once upon time when I had a relationship, the relationship was just normal, when we broke up and I started looking porn, I realized how many things I could do to spice our sexual relationship.

Things that we can’t think from our present context has already been thought by people before us, and they are there for us to learn.

But the problem with porn is that it has become a person a existence of itself, that people can’t get away, and people suffering from such activities share their stories.

Sex is the activity through which we came into being. It’s the start of our existence and its natural to have interest in it but to make it only the thing that matter for you is bad.

No need to stop looking at porn completely, you can spice your sexual relation but just think through what you are doing.

Don’t have unrealistic expectation about people behavior, or their body type or anything. Think through life man.

Identify the triggers which causes you to look at porn and try to resolve them. And you can do that by building more meaningful relationship. Just don’t make relationships to depend on another person.

Make friends, girlfriends, life partners, have good relation with relatives, public. World is full of hate but you will be surprised by the amount of love you can get. Go for it man.

10. Find a hobby

I believe we humans are the different than each and every person. Even twins are different from each other. So, if we are different how can we connect with other people.

Hobby is one way to connect with people. Hobby makes you energetic, able to talk to people, make a connection.

Suppose you are a introvert who doesn’t like to talk with a person, but you have a hobby. And that hobby is basketball.

Then wouldn’t you talk with people. Wouldn’t you be so fired about your hobby that people would want to be friends with you because your love for it.

Wouldn’t you be able to make friends, wouldn’t you be able to connect with people, wouldn’t you have confidence?

You would, wouldn’t having hobby make you feel worth living.


Life is not exactly a heavenly place or always happy place to always have a positive thinking. We love, get hurt, get revengeful, get heartbroken, no longer believe in living. People break you; you break people be it physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically. Through words, actions, manipulation and many things.

We are not born equal, we are not treated equal, not we all have equal opportunities. Whatever we can say, one thing that life presents itself as is ,as pain.

No one can deny the existence of pain.

But what makes us want to live through pain is love.

I know I have been heartbroken, betrayed, left alone, not cared. But love doesn’t mean someone loving you, it means you loving yourself.

How can I love myself if all my life my existence was frowned, hated upon.

Just live man.

Just live.

Just live for this moment.

Do things I have said.

As a fellow human being I request man. Please live.

And try to find something worth loving and living for it man.

Live man. Really live.

You don’t need to have that thinking about being more masculine or man, just be a good human being.




Written by Withope

Just Human Being Expressing His Emotions In Words.

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