Have you wondered why some people are different from the rest of us?
Why do some people preserve more than others?
Why are some people more hard-working than others?
Why are some people kind more than others?
Why are some people more depressed than others?
I think I have found the answers. It is not like I am the first one to find it. It is a knowledge any thinking human being can get it.
The reason is “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”.
let’s take 2 people as an example.
Suppose 1 person’s name is “A” and the second person’s name is “B”.
A and B are raised in the almost same environment. They are poor and have no guarantee of food, shelter, clothes, security, or education.
And in the process of growing up, they see some really rich people who have no problems with having all the things they wished had.
Now A thinks, they are rich people. They may just be born lucky, or it may be Fate, God’s plan.
B thinks they are rich people. But are people, maybe I can be like them. But let’s first see what the difference is.
A becomes overwhelmed with the difference and gives up.
B becomes excited about the difference and tries harder to become like them.
Now here is not the starting point, the starting point was when both A and B perceived how they see the world.
And the way they saw the world, determined their viewpoint on the world. And that viewpoint creates a story for them. The story then manifests itself into attitude, the way they talk, walk, and many more.
Attitude brings how you act, and how people perceive you.
And when you act, then is the time when the outside world will notice you.
Until then no one is going to notice you. because you haven’t seen yourself.
Why does a rapper say he is a rapper, because his story says he is a rapper.
Why does a writer say he is a writer, because his story says he is a writer.
Why does a student say he is a student, because his story says he is a student.
So, everyone believes that they are something or gives themselves an identity through a story that has been lived.
But can it be like, you first live the story in your imagination and make the story and live the story?
Remember the quotes that say, “Make a plan of your life and then live your plan” or the law of attraction that says“Think you have already manifested before you go and do it”.
Books like “Think and grow rich”, “The strangest secrets” “Mans search for Meaning” “As a man thinketh” “The superior man” and “The Bible”.
Everyone says the same.
Come on guys, let us change our lives.
You and I together let us make a story for ourselves and live a rich, successful, happy life.
And maybe we can come back here someday and say, I am glad I wrote this, you were glad you read this, and we both started changing for the better of ourselves and the world.