Some reasons why people become happy after long time of sadness.
Human beings are a really mysterious creature. No one knows how small things that matter nothing to someone can hurt us deeply, make us energetic.
They say devil is in details. And I believe living life and making small changes finally makes a big change. Since you are saying you have been sad for 6 years I believe that you were not always sad. Something changed before start of 6 year.
Maybe you lost someone, something that gave meaning to your life. I don’t know why you have been happy lately as all I can do is speculate but here are some reasons I think
1.You have become adult
Having negative thoughts and wandering in negative environment and boom, one day you wake up and realized that pain is part of life. Pain is there but thinking pain is everything is childhood and realizing there is more to life than pain is adulthood. Maybe you became adult.
2.You found a meaning to life
One of the way we find happiness in life is by fulfilling our duties. Maybe after turning into adult, you found you what you wanted to do, you are doing, you are gaining self confidence, and confidence means you are proud of what you are doing. It leads to having positive mentality.
3.You got meaningful relationship
They say, you are born alone, die alone and while living you make friends, but in reality you are alone. No one understands me, I am unique in this world is one of the biggest problem in the world. Because everyone wants to feel that they are more special than others, and in terms think their life is happening worse than any one can understand, and don’t seem to connect with other people, even thought other people may be going through same problem. Maybe you found someone with whom you could have a genuine conversation, share your problems, understand them, and you can do so for them as well.
4.You found a mentor
In this mysterious world, we human beings although full of consciousness live unconsciously, and we choose to do so. Sometimes and most time because we don’t know what to do, how to do. So maybe you found a mentor that helped you take the decision for whatever you needed or wanted in life
5.You found love
A: What’s real?
B: Matter?
A: What’s real? what matters is real.
B: What’s the most real of what matters? Pain
A: Why is it real? Try arguing it away
A: So pain is fundamental reality leading to nihilism and hopelessness, That leads to philosophy opposite to being. Reality is pain
A: Is there anything more fundamental than pain
B: Love, If you are in pain, love and truth that’s what u got. If they are more powerful than pain, than they are what really matter.
Conversation by Jordan Peterson
6.You got used to being alone.
Many times in life we try too much than necessary for getting someone, something. And one day we realize that we get what we are supposed to get. Sometimes giving up is an option, and once you get that ,you are what is needed for your well being and not someone or something, I believe something new opens up to you.
There are a lot of other things I believe that can make happy, but I believe it must be something like this because it also helped me. If its not the answer you wanted, correct me maybe I can learn something from you and teach something from you as well.
But I am glad that you have started being happy with life. You did well bro, and thank you for the opportunity and live always being happy. Also thank you for being strong.