Society is a heaven. It is the product of human consciousness, desire, wish. Its possible because of humans desire and the action to attain their desires.
We are no animals. So dont you compare yourself to other animals. Animals have no consciousness or choice to their activities.
It is said, eating, sleeping and mating is the final goal of animals. While most of the predators work alone to attain this, some animals form a pack or a family to attain this. Even here, the most powerful and alpha beast gets the girls, most food, mating opportunity.
But it's not so for the society. Eating, sleeping, mating is the start goal for humans. The line which ends for animals is the start for humans.
And unlike animal society where, the strongest survive and eat, the human society has more options.
The humans can build an apartment and have lot of families stay there. They can make refrigerator to keep the food for long time. They can do agriculture to make food and give to others. We humans have the choice and have the ability to make decisions for ourselves.
Even the women are same, only we humans are able to find a husband or wife for ourselves. No matter the looks, or strength or anything.
It's how society is made. Its not for just one powerful person, its for every goddamn people.
And when everyone in the society is able to enjoy all the things in society then only we can say that, the society is flourishing and is moving in an positive way.
But the second, everyone in the society is unable to enjoy all the things in society, the society is bound to go down.
Like the civilizations that have gone down extinct in the past, the present society will also go down.
Forgive but never forget was the quote but we humans, always forget.
We forget, that we should never forget.
Forgetting makes us repeat the same mistakes, again and again.
But what can we do, we are humans, we are bound to make mistakes.
You say, this society can go to hell, i am the richest and i will just import people from other place. But is society just people? No. You are wrong, society is a group of people with matching values, cultures.
If you destroy the values, cultures of one country can you really say you have succeeded?
Do you think you have succeeded in making this place the most richest country in the world?
Do you think you have succeeded in making this place the most cultural country in the world?
Money comes and goes. Yes it is one of the method to keep and provide everyone everything they can afford.
But its not all.
Just selling your soul, happiness for money is not cool.
The society you have made has been converted into 2 poles.
There are rich and poor, there are weak and strong, there are educated and uneducated, there are married and single, there are religious and aestetic.
These 2 extreme poles in a society with same value is itself the proof the society is doomed.
And we people not realizing this is even more concerning as, we dont know where the society is moving towards.
I mean if this continues, we norma people will be without food, shelter not sex.
Only the rich and powerful will be able to get these food, shelter and sex.
Than what is the difference between animal society and human society.
You pride yourself so much of being an developed country, what have you achieved.
You have just turned into another animal which is not proactive but is just reactive.
You have failed the society and the peoples, the values the cultures, the traditions.
Wake up to possibilities of human nature. Wake up to understand we humans are not animals. Wake up to realize we have the ability to respond than react. Wake up to realize that we are the masters of our fate.
Wake up, we are not animals bound by fear or lust. We can overcome these problems that the society is going.
But until and unless, each and everyone understands this and just wants to be primitives and indulge in lust of power, fame, money, then the society is going to end.
Maybe that is the reason why, currently these days, we normal people with no power than wishing ask for Jesus, Allah, Ram to take ascend on the earth and make this society which is destroying itself into an civilized society as mentioned on Bible, Quran, Vedas.