3 min readApr 10, 2023


I think the most common term used these days is “MATRIX”.

And i realize that this concept had started in the movie “The Matrix”, where the main character of the movie, NEO is given a choice to take either a blue pill and red pill.

First of all, lets start with what the scenario is.

There is a world, peaceful world, where people have everything they need. All they need to do is wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, eat and everything. But the catch is that you cant feel the real feeling.

And our Character NEO is also one among the millions or billions who is living the same life. But he feels like something is missing. Something that makes him happy is missing.

Then one day, few people who were able to escape the fake world, meet him and ask him to join them or be the way he was.

So, the red pill denoted: new life, uncertainty, chaos, new patterns, unknown

And the blue pill denoted: Same life, certainty, peace, old patterns and known.

Neo takes in the red pill and goes outside the world and discovers new thing.

Everything was going good in part 1. Then came part 2.

Then the whole dynamics changed.

The world was conquered by AI. The world was no longer green. There was chaos everywhere. The world neo had choosed was no better than the world he left. Or rather worse.

The politics was there, fear was there, longing for something was there. everything was there. It was survival of fitness. Strong ruled and weak followed.

The red pill world was just like a country before it was formed both in physical form or mental form.

The blue pill was just like a country where there was everything after a country develops into full maximum capacity.

Now, these days, people are saying “Matrix” “Blue Pill” “Red Pill”.

Talking like as if someone else was responsible for who they are.

Henry Ford said “Thinking is the most difficult task, thats why noone does it”.

And when you are successful, and look around you, all these people who are not thinking for themselves. Cant figure out what they want out of life, wouldnt a rich, powerful person take advantage of them.

Even if that was not some rich or powerful person and just a kind person wouldnt he think for those people.

They say, “Give a man a fish and he will live for a day, teach a man how to fish he will live forever.”

But is it possible to teach each and everyone. NO, one can teach, one can learn and others can learn further by looking and they can teach.

But no, people can do anything they want.

People can accomplish anything.

They say the most powerful processor or most fast computer in world is human brain. But we are so useless that we cant even realize that.

We abandon our responsiblity and give other people the responsibility to think for us.

We want the easy way out and live in peace without thinking and when someone comes and say you are wrong. We tend to say, yes we are wrong.

Why? Because we were not thinking then, and we arent thinking now. Life is like

looking at past and crying

looking at future and being afraid

and being at the present and doing all things but not just thinking, taking responsbility and being courageous.

SO would you take the “Red Pill” or “Blue Pill”.

Neither, first take resonsiblity for your life and then talk about other things.








Written by Withope

Just Human Being Expressing His Emotions In Words.

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